3010 South Southeast Blvd, Suite A, Spokane, WA 99223

Credit Card on File

An Optional Billing Solution

We realize how hectic life can be, and although we cannot do a lot to help with taking kids to school and emptying the dishwasher, there is one thing that many practices are doing to help take something off a family's plate.

By signing up for Credit Card on File, you will have a secure way to have payments made directly towards your account almost on an automatic basis

Why choose Credit Card on File?

Benefits of using Credit Card on File:

  • Your payments are made promptly and late fees are avoided.
  • If someone other than the parent brings the child to the appointment, you can avoid having them have to pay a copay for the visit, and you can know it will be paid.
  • You can avoid having to call in to make a payment.
  • It allows our office staff to handle calls related to getting your child in for care rather than navigate families needing to pay a balance.

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